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Guild Wars 2 is an old game that is regularly updated. ArenaNet, thanks to its own game engine, was able to keep up for so many years with good performance and a good visual look with all the current technologies. As everyone should know, an MMORPG is dedicated to massive, large-scale fights that involve more than a dozen players at one time. Guild Wars 2 achieves it; no matter if players are fighting on battlegrounds or in the open world, always someone will be near you.

Good presentation and a great visual look are not everything. The main reason I believe this product is worth our time is that it is completely free from pay-to-win mechanics. The developers designed the game to be profitable but not destructive to the world or players experiences. The only money a player needs to invest in the game is to buy the core of the game plus two additional DLCs, which contain totally new content, but without forcing a player to do that. If you buy it as a package at a discount, it’s going to be a maximum of 30–40 euros. After that, you can spend more if you do not have much time to play the game, but this money won’t make you a stronger player than those who never invested a single additional euro; you won’t receive anything that others are not able to get. All is a matter of time and effort with a balanced time frame to achieve. (Games like Lineage 2 create the illusion of the possibility of getting something, but this is limited to a few very lucky players; the rest, even after 20 years of farming, will never receive it.)

In Guild Wars 2, everything is possible for any kind of player. For the one without time but with money, the one with time without money, and those who would like to spend something but not too much casual or hardcore, the game offers a variety of different content and playstyles.


So a great graphic, a lack of pay-to-win, good optimization, great support, and stability—but this is not everything. One of the key features is an almost perfectly created class balance with a lot of possibilities. You may choose whatever you like and play the way that fits you best. There are some restrictions, but every class will offer a few different playstyles and never make you feel bored.

It is definitely one of the best MMORPGs I’ve ever played. Do not be afraid; it’s an old game. Check it out for free on the Steam platform or ArenaNet official website. I do recommend buying and playing the game without Steam; there are some issues with Steam, but nothing major, so whatever you choose is going to be fine. Personally, I am playing through Steam.


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