Front Page Forums Notifications Forum for Subscribers

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  • #2380
    Asz NikoAsz Niko

    The forum is only for people who subscribed to my Twitch channel at least once or donated at least 1 euro. I am not looking for more daily work to do, so I can’t make it open for everyone because it will require my moderation, and I do not want to spend my full time moderating forums.

    Asz NikoAsz Niko

    Seems like my idea doesn’t work, so whoever wants to get an account, please join discord and let me know. Registraion works fine, but my server is not strong enough to turn this portal in to something big. It cost money, which i currently do not have.

    Asz NikoAsz Niko

    Hello, as i am not streaming that much anymore, i have decided to open the website and forum for everyone. Feel free to register or join via discord. <3

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