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Hi there, I go by the nickname Aszniko. As a 35-year-old gamer, I have devoted my entire life to playing games. While this may seem foolish to some, it is the reality of my life, and you may refer to me as Asz or Niko, whichever you prefer. My moniker was inspired by one of my favorite female singers, Ashnikko.

That said, let’s move on from my nickname. I am creating this blog with a simple goal in mind. As my life is currently not in the best shape, I have decided to help others avoid making the same mistakes I made. While everyone is the architect of their own lives, my experience may offer a different perspective- that of someone who ruined their life by being too naive and trusting game developers too much.

Here, I will share my gaming experiences, thoughts on various game-related topics, my life as a gamer, and reviews of both good and bad games- including the developers and publishers behind them- that are worth your time and effort.


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